The hundred year language

I found this article quite interesting. I like how the author starts with an introduction thinking about how some things would be in the future. Things of everyday life. And from there he starts asking the same thing, but now related to programming issues, software and programming languages. I like that the author talks about how programming languages were before, that some were used less and less because they were creating others easier to use and understand for the developer.

One of the languages that makes a lot of emphasis is Java, thinks that its existence in the future will be limited, which will be replaced by other more logical and much more effective, although many people think that in the future will be more successful than it already has today.

One thing that is certain is that the execution of programs will be much faster, and that this can be achieved through layered programming. He says that in the future we are going to be much more focused on logic rather than implementation.

Also, I like that he talks a little bit about parallel programming. I feel that at present it is something we already have, but he mentions that in the future this is going to be a subject that will have much more development and that will undoubtedly help us to be able to develop programs in a much easier way.

In my opinion, I have no doubt that, in about 100 years, technology and programming will have much more development, perhaps even think that the developers will tell the machines what you want to do, and the machines will simply be dedicated to generating what is necessary to achieve it. But, speaking about the programming and compilation languages, I think that many more will be developed, with a syntax even easier to understand and that the developer must make less effort to generate a good program, which will help people to have an easier life.


  • Graham, Paul. (April, 2003). The Hundred-Year Language. Paul Graham. Taken from: 


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